ISSN 2997-2353

E-ISSN 2997-2361

Current Issue

Volume 1,Issue 1

Fall 2023

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Journal of Power Generation Technology

Editors-in-Chief: Yao Liangzhong , Yang Yongping , Chen Shuyong

Journal of Power Generation Technology

Article Processing Charge

Article Processing Charge: 1500.00 (USD)

All articles published in the journal are accessible electronically from the journal website without any kind of payment. There will be no Article Processing Charges (APC) is applicable to all authors who have their manuscript successfully accepted after peer-review in first two issues, namely Volume 1 Number 1 (2018) and Volume 2 Number 1 (2019). Literally, the journal will start to charge APC from Volume 2 Number 2 (2019) to cover the cost incurred in processing the manuscripts in order to ensure the contents are freely available while maintaining publishing quality. The manuscripts processing means the APC is used to cover the peer review, copyediting, typesetting, publishing, content depositing and archiving processes. An invoice of APC will be issued after the typeset manuscript has been proofread by authors, where authors are advised to pay the APC within one week to avoid a retraction/delay in publication online. The publication fee for different types of an article is as depicted in the table below.

*If the size of the video file exceeds 25 MB, an additional charge of USD 50 will be charged for every 25 MB.

The publisher encourages all authors to publish their manuscripts without concerning the cost of APC to be a barrier especially to authors who do not have financial support or from the low and lower-middle-income countries/regions. A range of discounts or waivers is offered to authors who are unable to pay the publication processing fees. Authors can write in to apply for a waiver (50-100%) and requests will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

The publisher uses the World Bank Country Classification table to identify low and lower-middle-income countries/regions. While applying for waiver kindly send a cover letter by email to with the following information after acceptance of the manuscript:

  1. Manuscript ID
  2. Title of your paper
  3. Corresponding author name and institution with full address
  4. Reason for applying for a waiver
  5. Funding details of the study
  6. Focus of the manuscript with details on how it will contribute to issues pertaining to the local community or issues in the country of origin of the manuscript.

The publisher would like to urge authors that decision on the discount or waiver will be solely with the Editorial board and publisher, and the decision is final.

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