Publishing Ethics

Art and Design requests all members involved in the journal editing and publishing process to adhere to the Core Practices on publication ethics and follow the guidelines on handling publishing ethics allegations stipulated by Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

The journal strictly adheres to the guidelines and best practices, which include Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing, and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals from the International Committee of Medical Journals  Editors (ICMJE) and Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing developed by Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association (OASPA) and World Association of Medical Editors (WAME).

The journal editors take all possible misconducts seriously. The editors, authors or readers can forward their concerns to the journal if they find out that the description in a submission or a published article may constitute an academic fraud, research misconduct or publication malpractice. The concerns or complaints on the possible allegations submitted to the journal will be dealt with promptly and appropriately. The complainant may direct all inquiries and correspondence to the editor.

The editors do not approve of any plagiarism attempts. Duplication checker will be utilized at the editor’s discretion to verify the originality of submissions. A submission will be desk-rejected (during submissions stage) or rejected (during peer review stage) if the paper contains apparent and significant amount of plagiarized content. Therefore, authors are advised to adhere to the contemporary rules in academic writing and publishing ethics.

Art and Design adopts a zero-tolerance policy concerning any academic misconducts and ethical violations in research and publication regardless of the severity of these issues. The violations include plagiarism, falsification of research, data fabrication, submitting manuscripts of others as one’s own, submitting same manuscript to different publication venues at the same time, and breached intellectual property rights. In cases of suspected misconduct and ethical violation, a panel will be formed to investigate the allegation. If the allegation is supported by evidence, the submitted manuscript in question will be declined for consideration in the journal and all authors will be informed in this regard. A retraction initiated by authors or by the journal is required to take place if the paper has already been published, and a retraction note will be published. Authors of the work in question will receive the Panel’s Decision via email and all appeals regarding the decision will have to be made to the editor within 28 days of the decision date.